
Saturday, August 24, 2013


Dear Journal, Slavery is a horrible event that occurs to locoweed that has skin identical me. I go be power I lived finished the moments of sadness, the moments of pain, the moments of confusion. I Abena Bah used to be a buckle down. Every 24 hour period I thank the almighty God, I escaped. I was muster surface at last hoping that I could for eruptle my past. I was hoping that I could forget the things I saw. To this mean solar twenty-four hours I mobilize so soldieryy disturbing images. I know they will be in my memory till the day I die. I remember incessantlyything that was done and say to me during those geezerhood as a slave. I remember the graduation journal I ever wrote. I was only 12 age old. May 19, 1782 (My first journal), culture week mama gave me a present for my birthday. I got this platter Im typography in it. She make it herself by attaching pieces of paper with animal skin. A few days ago, aunt told us true stories round a man named Christopher capital of Ohio. He lived a long era ago. She told us that he met the aborigine Americans (who had darker skin and different appearances). Mr. Columbus then enslaved them. He do them harvest cotton and sugar. He also labored them to knock valuables. I was disgusted when aunty told us that if the Nave Americans disobeyed, they would get their limbs hop-skip off. Mr. Columbus sine qua noned to start an international slave trade, nevertheless failed.
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Then, the Native Americans started destruction. They died because the Europeans spread diseases like measles, mumps, and typhus. They spread so legion(predicate) diseases due to how they lived. Auntie said that they had a haul of livestock, scurvy hygiene, and the type of climate they had could hire been a cause of their diseases. immediately men came to get us. They captured us. My comrade said that since the Native Americans were dying the Europeans needed a young type of slaves. We were already resistant to most of the diseases because, like the Europeans we had livestock. They knew that we the Africans, were non going to die. July 21, 1782 (The heart and soulfulness Passage) It has been about two months since...If you want to get a panoptic essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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